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The Liberty Project

What is Liberty?

Liberty is not just the absence of bondage, but the fitness of the individual to act rightly in accordance with Truth!

We the People Official Trailer

We the People Official Trailer

A uniquely online constitutional history video library. We make it both fun and easy for people to enrich their knowledge about liberty throughout the ages.

Pick a Topic, Watch a Lecture


Class Locations

Due to the current situation classes have been canceled. Video lectures will be uploaded.
We will notify you when they are available.




San Diego

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.”

 - Gary Lewis - 

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.”

 - Stan Rosenberg - 

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.”

 - Sami Jadm - 

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